Questions tagged [traduction]

Questions concernant l'équivalent français d'une expression ou d'un mot d'une autre langue.

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How do I say "sure" sarcastically/with lots of skepticism?

In English I find very frequently that when replying to a question like "do you like my new shirt?" I tend to say "sure" but drag out the word to indicate that I don't want to lie ...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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Comment dire « to pepper spray »?

Comme l’indique le titre, j’ai du mal à trouver une traduction fidèle pour cette locution. J’ai pensé aux traductions suivantes mais aucune ne me plaît. Se servir d’une bombe lacrymogène Asperger ...
User's user avatar
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How do you translate « the former »? [duplicate]

Je sais que la locution « ce dernier » veut dire « the latter » mais je n’ai pourtant jamais vu « ce premier ». Est-ce bien juste? Par exemple, Elle précise que l’aide fournie doit avoir pour but de ...
User's user avatar
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Comment choisir entre une traduction en français et une traduction en Anglais d’une œuvre écrite dans une langue que je ne lis pas? [closed]

Je lis l’Anglais et le Français, prends plaisir à lire de la littérature dans les deux langues, et me réjouis de pouvoir lire à la fois Le Réel et son double et A History of Violence dans leurs ...
Clément's user avatar
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What does "tu es si fort" mean?

The primary meaning is You are so strong. But is it possible to translate it as You are so loud, too ? What are the other ways to say You are so loud in French?
Xfce4's user avatar
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What is a meaning of "échancrure"?

I'm reading "Du côté de chez Swann" by M. Proust (Part 2). I stuck at a sentence: Il vit alors que dans sa résolution de ne pas prendre acte, de ne pas avoir été touchée par la nouvelle qui ...
Artem's user avatar
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Comment traduire « However little I may remember »?

Je me demande si le choix suivant est le bon ? (Aussi) peu dont je (ne) me souvien(ne) …? Veuillez en proposer d’autres si celui-ci ne convient pas. La phrase en anglais peut être aussi écrite de la ...
User's user avatar
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Comment traduire "game literacy" par exemple?

Bonjour, J'aime discuter de beaucoup de choses et souvent je me retrouve contraint a utiliser le terme de "literacy" qui désigne l'habitude a certaines codifications et ou règles non écrites....
Kyriaas's user avatar
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Avoir pour ( a pour) ==> signification ?

J'ai rencontré plusieurs fois des phrases contenant "a pour"(avoir pour), mais je ne comprends pas exactement le rôle ou la fonction de cette composante (locution verbale) (je pense que l'...
Haked31's user avatar
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" d'où qu'il vienne" = "from anywhere"?

Here is some rules text from a Magic: the Gathering card (MtG is a collectible card game) called "Enlèvement par les lanternes": Si l'Enlèvement par les lanternes devait être mis dans un ...
silph's user avatar
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Quelle place pour l'innovation dans votre entreprise

What is the meaning of: Quelle place pour l'innovation dans votre entreprise? Quelle is What or Which, but in this context it seems it means something different like: Is there place for innovation ...
Carlitos_30's user avatar
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Conveying 'squaring both sides'

To prove this statement, I want to say Squaring both sides of x+y+z=0, we get... I'm thinking about En prenant les carrés de deux membres de l'équation, on obtient... but I'm wondering if there ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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How do you say “It takes a while for my head to stop spinning.” in French?

Context : Person 1: Are you going on this roller coaster? Person 2: No. My head spins after going on roller coasters. It takes a while for it to return to normal. Personne 1 : Tu vas sur ces montagnes ...
SFR's user avatar
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Can "[getting] clean" be translated as "faire le ménage" in the context of drugs?

In English somebody who got rid of a drug addiction might informally be called "clean". I recently saw a poster translating "sauber" (in German) and "clean" (in this ...
Luatic's user avatar
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What's the translation of "paleoburrow" in French?

A paleoburrow is an: underground shelter (tunnel, burrow, lair, etc.) excavated by extinct paleo-vertebrate megafauna (i.e., giant mammals, such as ground sloths) that lived in the prehistoric era.[1]...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Translation of the English word "Set" as a verb

I have a program where a user can set the value of an (HTML) attribute, like height, width, title etc. How can I translate "Set" (as in "Set height") into French?
ControlAltDel's user avatar
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You'll miss me versus I'll miss you [duplicate]

Vous allez tous me manquer! I thought this sentence would mean "you'll all miss me", but apparently it means "i'll miss you all". Now, looking back to it, it seems rather ...
josinalvo's user avatar
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Translating « cela ne veut rien dire »

In Camus' "L'Étranger" he often uses the phrase; «Cela ne veut rien dire. » in sentences like « J'ai reçu un télégramme de l'asile : « Mère décédée. Enterrement demain. Sentiments distingués....
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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What's the translation of "trust fund kid" in French?

A trust fund kid is a: a kid [whose] whose parents put money in a trust for their child to use. The connotation is that the family is rather wealthy. What's the translation of "trust fund kid&...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Can "a couple of misprints/errors/typos etc." be conveyed by "un couple de coquilles/erreurs/fautes de frappe etc"

L'autre jour j'ai dit: Il a fait un couple de fautes. Un collègue francophone natif m'a corrigé en m'expliquant que la tournure est du type calque anglais et j'aurais dû dire: Il a fait quelques ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Comment traduire (si possible) « He pleases me BY DOING something »

En Anglais on peut écrire « He pleases me by washing the car », qui veut dire « La chose qui me plaît, c'est son nettoyage de la voiture. » Mais en français, je ne peux trouver aucun exemple de « Il ...
ETL's user avatar
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Comment dire 'lid' ? (laptop)

L'autre jour j'ai voulu expliquer à mes élèves : How to Run Your Laptop With the Lid Closed. Voir pcmag ou Je leur ai dit : Comment faire fonctionner votre ordinateur portable avec le ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Translating "to pity myself"

Deepl says "I have got to stop pitying myself" is given by « Je dois arrêter de m'apitoyer sur moi-même ». The reflexive on apitoyer makes the moi-même seem redundant to me and the ...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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Conveying the verb 'drive'

Pour If you really want to dig into the programming philosophy that drives much of the coding practice of Python power users, you should read this book. Google Translate donne Si vous voulez ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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'Easter egg' : est-il connu ?

Un easter egg (terme anglais pour « œuf de Pâques ») est, en informatique ou dans les jeux vidéo1, une fonction cachée au sein d'un programme (image animée, jeu, message électronique, etc.) accessible ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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What is the translation of “living inheritance" in French?

I read: Many of my older clients ask me, “How much can I gift to my family today, while I am living?” This is a strategy known as a living inheritance, and it can be a very powerful tool — as long as ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How do I translate "with your bare hands"?

According to Linguee, I would translate "with your bare hands" as « à/avec vos mains nues ». But that seems very literal and what I want to translate is the sense of doing something yourself....
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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Vivre à propos / vivre comme il faut

Dans les Essais, Livre III, Chapitre XIII, Montaigne écrit, selon la traduction en français moderne faite par Andre Lanly : "Notre grand et glorieux chef-d’œuvre c’est de vivre à propos." ...
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"Banco, final six, tout sur le cinq !" J'ai entendu cette phrase dans un film et je ne la comprends pas

Je suis anglaise et j'apprends le français. Je suis en train de voir un film et je comprends les mots mais pas la signification de cette phrase. Merci d'avance.
ad95's user avatar
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What does « ça suffit de toujours tondre les mêmes » mean?

In this video from 2:55 to 3 Mélenchon says « ça suffit de toujours tondre les mêmes » which when I tried to translate ...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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Conveying "brother and sister + noun"

German and English are brother and sister languages. (The Everything German Phrase Book A Quick Refresher for Any Situation. Edward Swick · 2008.) Does L'allemand et l'anglais sont des langues ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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What does "aller du plaidoyer" mean

On the wikipedia page for multiculturalisme it says « Le multiculturalisme...fait référence à...des politique diverses qui peuvent aller du plaidoyer d'un respect des diverses cultures d'une société, ...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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Convey 'bleeding edge'

Bleeding edge, derived from cutting edge, has a negative connotation. Bleeding edge implies that a product or service is so new that its adoption could be harmful. Bleeding edge refers to a product ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Convey ' cutting-edge' as an adjective and as a noun

Cutting edge as an adjective is used to describe the newest, most advanced version of a product or service. The phrase cutting edge has a positive connotation. As a noun , it implies the forefront of ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Convey 'looping' (in programming)

What is the most natural way to convey the present participle 'looping' as in the turn 'keep looping'? Does 'garder la boucle' sound ok? Or 'tourner en boucle'?
Dimitris's user avatar
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Comment nommer le « Canadian Cross » (informatique) ?

En informatique on trouve le Canadian Cross, soit « a technique for building cross compilers for other machines » (Wikipedia), mot à mot donc une technique pour « compiler des compilateurs croisés ...
ninja米étoilé's user avatar
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Conveying 'What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear'

How can one convey funnily enough the following anecdote? What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear. For instance, Comment appelle-t-on un ours sans dents ? Un funny bear. does it sound ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Comment dit-on "... see what ... can do" en français ?

Pour être précis, je veux assurer une personne que je l'aiderai. En anglais, on dit "I'll see what I can do". Comment le dit-on en français le plus naturellement ?
Aravind Suresh Thakidayil's user avatar
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Conveying "Don't air your dirty laundry in public"

What are some French idioms that convey the following idiom? "Don't air your dirty laundry in public" (meaning private matters should remain so; don't reveal secrets to the public) https://...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Why is 'sanguin(e)' in French opposite in meaning to 'sanguine' in English

My French colleague was confused when I described someone as sanguine about not receiving a promotion. Upon investigation it seems that the English meaning (to be cool in the face of adversity) is ...
user28988's user avatar
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Why is « en » used in this context?

From La Valse Des Arbres et Du Ciel by Jean-Michel Guenassia, the sentence; on ne force pas son destin, on ne peut en modifier le cours à sa convenance uses « en » in which I assume to be as a pronoun....
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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What is a group/herd of rhinos called in French?

In English, a group of rhinos is called a "crash". What would it be called in French? I'm having trouble finding this in Google.
Clonkex's user avatar
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What is the best translation of "commodity"?

For the English word "commodity" which refers to raw materials which are traded (e.g. metals, energy, food), I have difficulties to find a good French translation. Some dictionaries propose &...
UweD's user avatar
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How is "I am to be" or "we are to be" expressed in French?

Consider this statement in English: From what I heard, when we reach Paris, we are to be wined and dined like kings and queens! In everyday translators, "we are to be" comes out as "...
Geoff Pointer's user avatar
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How do I translate « si bien que »?

As far as I know, « si » is translated as " if " and « bien que » is translated as " although " but " if although " doesn't make any sense in English, so how would I ...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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"la monnaie" vs. "la devise"

I found in various online dictionaries the French translations for the English "currency" either to be "la monnaie" or "la devise" (among others, but these seem to be the ...
UweD's user avatar
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Comment transposer le « mockbuster » ?

On a l'anglicisme mockbuster, par analogie avec le blockbuster (grand titre, super-production) que Wiktionnaire définit comme étant une « réalisation plus ou moins plagiée sur une œuvre à gros budget, ...
ninja米étoilé's user avatar
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What is the difference between the actions of 'voir un film' and 'regarder un film' ?

This question is not about single words, it is about phrases. Direct translation of voir is to see and regarder is to look or to watch. Is there any difference at all between the actions of voir un ...
Xfce4's user avatar
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Why does the Supreme Court of Canada's website translate "to" as "auprès de"?

My first guess was simply à, de, or pour. Trois diplômés accèdent aux prestigieux stages d’auxiliaires juridiques à la Cour Suprême du Canada - Faculté de droit - Université de Montréal Léa ...
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How would you congratulate someone on a couple picture on Instagram?

A Belgian friend of mine uploaded a post dedicated to his girlfriend for the first time and I would like to congratulate him generally like in "nice picture" or "cute picture". I ...
Christoph Eckinger's user avatar

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