Questions tagged [traduction]

Questions concernant l'équivalent français d'une expression ou d'un mot d'une autre langue.

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Which is the default past to use in modern literary translation?

Today, in 2018, when translating some piece of fiction from a foreign language into French, which tense would be normally used for the past tense of the foreign language: Passé simple or Passé composé?...
AnatolyVorobey's user avatar
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Autre sens du mot « orthogonal » pour désigner deux avis différents ?

Dans un post sur la communauté English language and usage, un membre demande quel mot peut être utilisé pour décrire le fait qu'une compétence n'est d'aucune aide dans un autre domaine. C'est le mot ...
Laurent Mesguen's user avatar
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Traduction de « pedal power » et « pedal powered »

Comment traduiriez-vous « pedal power » et « pedal powered » dans cet article?
Nicolas Boisteault's user avatar
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Comment dire « DSL » en français?

J'ai récemment vu cette page Web et j'ai vu que « DSL » est utilisé avec la même orthographe qu'en anglais. « DSL » (domain specific language en anglais) est une terme technique en informatique. Donc, ...
Maz's user avatar
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What's the translation of "bleisure" in French?

Business travel + leisure travel = bleisure travel. Bleisure is a: term used to describe travel that combines both business and leisure, by not comitting to one purpose solely. People on a bleisure ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Le « standing/stand-up desk » et le « sit-stand/sit to stand/«sit/stand»/sit n' stand/riser/rise up/adjustable height desk » ?

A standing desk or stand-up desk is a desk conceived for writing, reading or drawing while standing up or while sitting on a high stool. (Standing desk, Wikipédia) ...qui a été conçu pour écrire, ...
Thélée_Lavoie's user avatar
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Translation of "mind you" in French

His advice wasn't very helpful. I'm not criticizing him, mind you. The fact remains, mind you, that the second album, The Least We Can Do Is Wave to Each Other, is far superior. How can we render “...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Comment traduire « computational propaganda » ?

Dans une synthèse accompagnant une série d'études on peut lire que : Computational propaganda is a term and phenomenon that encompasses recent digital misinformation and manipulation efforts. It ...
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Comment dire « Red Herring » ?

Comment pourrait-on traduire red herring dans le sens d'un argument qui est gênant ou qui mène ailleurs dans une discussion? Dans le sens où le dire mène distrait de la discussion et piège les ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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Translation of "running example"

When trying to translate running example into French, a friend suggested exemple filet, but I could not find a single instance of this usage. I did find however exemple fil rouge in a few websites. I'...
anol's user avatar
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How to translate “actually” in its contrastive meaning?

The sentence I can think it coming from would be “I'll stop … and actually do this.” I fail to content myself with “en fait” or “vraiment”, for the former merely translates “as a matter of fact”, but ...
Nikana Reklawyks's user avatar
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Une expression qui équivaut à « defeat the purpose » ?

Bonjour tout le monde, Je cherche, à présent en vain, une expression qui veut dire à peu près: to defeat the purpose [of something] * Je suis parvenu à la page suivante qui contient plein de ...
Derek Allums's user avatar
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Translating “type thing” at the end of a sentence?

In English it’s common to end a sentence in “...type thing” to summarize a plan or when you don’t want to be specific, kind of as a tag but without saying “it is”. For example, “I’m gonna get some ...
jacoballens's user avatar
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How best to translate "sounds better" or "sounds worse"?

In the sense of word choice or musical composition I often want to say that one thing "sounds better" than another, or sounds worse. I'm not sure what verb to use for this in French. "X se sonne ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
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How to say "something sucks" in French [duplicate]

I'm looking for a good French translation for suck in the context of an activity being a drag. For instance, how would you say "cold-calling sucks"? The shorter the translation the better.
frenchie's user avatar
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Don't spend too much effort on it

Comment pourrait-on dire Don't spend too much effort on it ? Par exemple, dans le contexte où je conseille à un collègue d'essayer une approche particulière, mais sans être sûr que le succès de cette ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Why has this line in La Peste been translated to its opposite in my English copy of The Plague?

I am currently (and slowly) reading Camus' La Peste [Gallimard] in French concurrently with The Plague [trans. Robin Buss, Penguin] in English. On p 6 of La Peste is this excerpt (emphasis mine): ...
08915bfe02's user avatar
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French translation of "Bagging" in the case of Artificial Intelligence

I'm studying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and I would like to translate into French the technical term "Bagging" also known as "Bootstrap Agregating" defined in the following wikipedia ...
JKHA's user avatar
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Est-ce que qualité veux dire quelque chose de bien?

Ce matin j'ai étudié le français avec Babbel et j'ai traduit cette phrase: Curiosity is a good quality Et la traduction est: La curiosité est une qualité Je pensais que la définition de ...
S -'s user avatar
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« Vous essayez de me faire avoir » : quelle est l'expression correcte ?

Dans le French phrasebook de Wikivoyage, pour « You're cheating me » (dans le contexte du shopping, le vendeur essaie de vendre pour un prix trop élevé) la phrase recommendée en français est: Vous ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Autre nom que "caban" pour un "pea coat"

Lorsque le caban est devenu à la mode il y a quelques années, j'en ai cherché dans des boutiques à Québec, avec autant les mots "caban" que "pea coat". Je suis peut-être mal tombé, mais personne ne ...
MPelletier's user avatar
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How to translate “lazy initialization”?

From wikipedia In computer programming, lazy initialization is the tactic of delaying the creation of an object, the calculation of a value, or some other expensive process until the first time ...
Mesop's user avatar
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Traduction de « Unternehmenswert / Shareholder value »

Je suis chargé de traduire un document sur la sécurité de l'information de l'allemand au français, quand je suis tombé sur le mot Unternehmenswert. J'ai vite trouvé qu'en anglais une des possibilité ...
Eldros's user avatar
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Meaning of "Il dînait de l'Église et soupait du théâtre"

I was reading a short story by a Brazilian writer when I came across a quotation of the following couplet in French: Le matin catholique et le soir idolâtre. Il dînait de l'Église et soupait du ...
rmdmc89's user avatar
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Traduction de « consensus clustering »

Je dois écrire un rapport de stage en français où je dois traduire le terme « consensus clustering ». J'aurai tendance à utiliser le terme "partitionnement consensuel" cependant la définition ...
Elie Génard's user avatar
6 votes
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Le « election denialism » : est-ce une forme de « dénialisme » ?

Le titre d'une manchette contenait le terme « election denialism ». Le denialism c'est la « [...] practice of rejecting propositions which are strongly supported by scientific or historical evidence, ...
Thélée_Lavoie's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How do I say "Do you want to die with regrets?" in French?

I want to get a tattoo so I want to be absolutely sure :).
Rohit's user avatar
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Translation of “so” (“I think so”, “So, anyway”)

Having just read a post on StackExchange English about ‘so’, how would you translate it into French, as in ‘I think so’ or ‘So, anyway’. Would you use ‘ça’ ?
Sebiddychef's user avatar
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How do you translate "out of all that" in an outraged or disbelieving way?

How would you translate a phrase such as "Out of all the hills to die on, you really chose this one?" where this phrase would be spoken in a kind of incredulous manner? The current ...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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Comment dit-on "What's wrong with you?" ?

Google Translate me dit que c'est "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ?" mais je crois que ça veut juste dire "What's wrong?". Je souhaite dire "What's wrong with you?" et je ne ...
Aravind Suresh Thakidayil's user avatar
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Conveying the idea of « go figure »

En grec nous avons une expression « τρέχα γύρευε » (see, look for, search for, figure out) (trecha gyreve) ; on le dit de quelque chose qui est incompréhensible ou très difficile à expliquer. L'...
Dimitris's user avatar
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"Vicinité" : peut-on utiliser le mot couramment ?

Je me demande pourquoi le mot vicinité n'est pas répertorié dans TLFi. Son emploi est-il considéré comme un anglicisme (vicinity) ?
Dimitris's user avatar
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Translation of “crapware”

Crapware is some software that has little value. The term often refers to the numerous trial applications that are pre-installed on a new computer. How would you say crapware in French?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How do I say: "How did it go?"

My friend has returned from vacation. How can I ask her "How did it go?"
Tomas's user avatar
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Is there a way to say "thanks to" in French but in a sarcastic manner?

I know there is «grâce à», but that is only used for positive things. There's also «à cause de», but that doesn't give me the same effect I want. For example, how would I say this in French: Thanks ...
Krishna Anand's user avatar
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What's the translation of a drop-in desk in French?

A drop-in desk is: a workspace that is set up to handle unscheduled visits by workers who don’t have a long-term desk in the facility, but need one for that day. What's the translation of a drop-in ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Traduction de « blows it away »

C'est un problème de traduction anglais français. Voici un poème de Richard Brautigan : "Floating Chandeliers" Sand is crystal like the soul. The wind blows it away. Comment ...
Istao's user avatar
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What does “ll est en train de se payer ma tête, en plus?” mean?

I’ve been stuck on this phrase for a while. I don’t know why it’s giving me so much trouble, but I know that “ll est en train de se” means something someone is currently doing, however, I don’t really ...
Estblack 's user avatar
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Comment traduire « me, myself, and I » / How to translate "me, myself, and I"

Je recherche une traduction de la phrase « me, myself, and I » d'anglais à français. I am looking for a translation of the phrase "me, myself, and I" from English to French.
Leaky Nun's user avatar
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«Office hours» en français

Dans un contexte académique, les «office hours» sont une période où un professeur est disponible (habituellement dans son bureau) pour répondre aux questions des étudiants.   Quelle est la meilleure ...
Gooch's user avatar
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How do you say “buy” in the sense of “believe”?

Is there a French equivalent for saying something like “I don’t buy it!” meaning “I don’t believe that at all!”?
jacoballens's user avatar
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Action de mettre quelque chose à l'horaire

En anglais, on peut utiliser le verbe : "To schedule" qui implique de mettre quelque chose à l'horaire (ou à son calendrier, peu importe). En français, si je ne m'abuse "céduler" est un anglicisme, ...
IEatBagels's user avatar
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Definition of ssé

In Stromae’s song, “avf”, Maître Gims says J'ai rien de ssé-ca What does “ssé” mean in this context?
invisi.'s user avatar
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French expressions meaning "older" as used in translations of Kafka's Amerika

This question is on how a sentence from Kafka's Amerika (Der Verschollene or Le Disparu) was translated into French. It is from the chapter titled 'Weg Nach Ramses' ('Sur la route de Ramsès' or 'La ...
Catomic's user avatar
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How is the emotional concept of "home" expressed in French?

I know that it is generally expressed as chez moi or chez whomever, but what I'm not sure about is whether this has any connotation. In English, home is a completely common and casual word, but at ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
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How do you say "Guaranteed ready-to-work by company x"

I am designing a logo for a program called "ready-to-work" in english AND "emplois clé en main" en français. In english, the logo reads "guaranteed ready-to-work by X". X is our company. So ...
Rabbitvillain's user avatar
5 votes
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Une traduction pour « Ik wordt van het kastje naar de muur gestuurd »

Je cherche une traduction pour une expression néerlandaise. « Je suis envoyé de l’armoire au mur. » On dit ça quand on est client à une compagnie qui manque à ses devoirs. Voici un exemple avec au-...
Koenraad van Duin's user avatar
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Has "on top of things" the same meaning as "au-dessus des choses"?

Does the French translation Êtes-vous au-dessus des choses? convey an inquiry as to whether the individual is in control of their obligations / having a clear plan of finishing a project or ...
musicwithoutpaper's user avatar
5 votes
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Please help me name my wine

I'm sure that's a weird topic but here's a little background. Three couples in California went in to make wine together and we have become friends through the process. I wanted to name my wine (in ...
Karen in California's user avatar
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« Menaces with spikes of » ?

This is a native aluminum earring. All craftsmanship is of the highest quality. It is studded with bismuth bronze and decorated with water buffalo leather. [This object is adorned with hanging ...
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