(I find comments on Reddit and Youtube to be very difficult to understand; and even DeepL and dictionaries don't always help me.)
On this reddit page, one comment has the following:
Voyez, tant dit qu'ici on nous enforce dans la gorge le mantra voulant que nous soyons tous Québécois/Canadiens,
which DeepL translates to:
You see, while the mantra that we are all Quebecers/Canadians is rammed down our throats here,
That is, DeepL tranlated "tant dit que" to just "while". I'm having trouble understanding this. What does "tant dit que" mean? Is there a way I could have guessed this or researched this myself?
(Optional extra information)
Here is what I've tried in order to understand "tant dit que":
- WordReference does not have an entry for "tant dit que". The closest thing is "tant .. que" which is something completely different.
- I tried googling ["tant dit que"] (with the quotations marks), hoping that a page that explains regionalisms might appear, but no such result appeared.
- I tried understanding the words separately. So, "tant" = "so much" (as in, expressing a large amount of something). So, "tant dit que" = something like "a lot said that", which doesn't make meaningful sense to me, and is nowhere close to deepL's "while".