What's the difference between n'importe and peu importe?
If you were saying "You have to accept anyone, no matter their race, gender, and sexuality." Would you translate it as
Il faut accepter n'importe qui/tous(?) peu importe sa race, son sexe, et son sexualité
Il faut accepter n'importe qui/tous(?) n'importe quelle est sa race, quel est son sexe, et quel est son sexualité
Also when translating "The bear can eat no matter what kind of meat you give it"
Would you say
L'ours peut manger n'importe quel type de viande que l'on lui donne
L'ours peut manger peu importe type de viande que l'on lui donne
Or is it that n'importe has to be followed by a word like "quel" or "laquelle" and peu importe can be followed just by a noun? Like I've seen
"Tu voudrais quelle chemise?", "N'importe laquelle"
"N'importe dont tu parles, je ne le saurai pas"
Which I'm not sure is correct
I've also seen "quel que"
Quel que brillant que tu sois, tu ne deviendras jamais sympa
Or would this be better for the first sentence?
Quel que soit sa race...