Here is the model answer style the textbook presents me with:

Modèle: As-tu trop d'argent? (assez) Answer: Non, je n'en ai pas trop. J'en ai assez.

How would one answer the following question according to the model above:

As-tu assez voyagé? (trop peu)

I cannot find any rules regarding this particular circumstance.

2 Answers 2


As-tu assez voyagé [dans ta vie]?

Oui, j'ai assez voyagé dans ma vie.

Non, je n'ai pas assez voyagé. J'aimerais voyager davantage.

Please note:

There is no DE in the sentence after the verb. Now, watch what happens if I change the way I express: "travel enough" in French.

As-tu fais assez DE voyages [jusqu'là, dans ta vie]?

It follows your textbook model to a T:

Oui, j'en ai fait assez.

Non, je n'en pas fait assez.

Generally speaking, the verb FAIRE + assez pas / pas assez DE lets you use the EN to replace adverbial phrases such as [faire or action verb] assez de, trop de, peu de + plus a verb. The en is for the whole phrase: enough of [doing/making or other action verb] [some thing]/too much [of some thing]/not enough [of some thing], too little/too few [of some thing].

[I give examples without using too many grammatical terms because I feel that's it's easier to absorb the idea and structure that way....]


When you haven't done something enough, you can basically translate it by 'pas assez' and 'trop peu'.

So we can answer your question by :

Non je n'ai pas assez voyagé.

J'ai trop peu voyagé.

For me, the first sounds better but the second is not bad and you can use it as well as the first ;)


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