Aïe, mon cou... Ça m’apprendra à lever la tête comme ça pour admirer la Skytree.
I said this sentence after looking up Skytree long enough to get a stiff neck. Since my French-speaking co-worker didn’t correct my phrasing, I assume I was right in using it ironically instead of phrasing it logically:
Aïe, mon cou... Ça m’apprendra à ne pas lever la tête comme ça pour admirer la Skytree.
So... Suppose you had a massive hangover from drinking three bottles of champagnes, how would you use this expression? Would you invariably use it ironically instead of a logical turn of phrase?
On a side note: Can you also say « ça t’apprendra à » or « ça lui apprendra à » if it is not you but someone else who could use a lesson?