Taken from a transcript of an RFI podcast, I cannot make any sense out of the sentence starting with lequel :
Un vieil homme explique, terrifié, que ces étrangers sont venus pour "palabrer", relate Le Parisien Dimanche.
Lequel journal, photos et infographies à l’appui, raconte « la traque des djihadistes au Sahel », la « chaleur suffocante (qui) use ces fantassins du 16e bataillon de chasseurs à pied » entre Mali, Niger et Burkina.
As best I can understand, in pieces, it says:
With the support of the paper, pictures, and computer graphics, tells "the hunt for jihadists in Sahel," the "suffocating heat which these infantrymen from the 16th foot batallion use" between Mali, Niger, and Burkina.
Now that's obviously gibberish. But I cannot figure this one out. I don't even know what the grammatical subject is.