Context: I'm a native English speaker learning French. I learnt some French at high-school, and was reasonably good at it, but let it slip and I'm now trying to get it back to that level, and my intention is to reach a level of fluency where I can hold a conversation on effectively any topic with a native french speaker.
So I'm about a 6 weeks into re-starting learning french, and recently I've been wondering about how I should be thinking when I'm doing listening exercises. Specifically, should I be thinking in French, or English? What I mean by this, is should I be hearing "poisson", and thinking in English "fish", or should I hear "poisson" and try to relate this to the concept of a fish, rather than the word in English? I am currently thinking in English, and I'm able to translate quick enough that as I don't typically lose any information, even whilst the speaker is still talking, but I'm worried that this is not the correct way to attain fluency. Any thoughts are welcome.