Outwith je ne sais quoi and savoir, how does "ne quoi" function? Can you negate other verbs with "ne quoi"? Here are some examples.
Can misanthropes exclaim "je ne connais quoi", because they don't care about connaitre other people?
What if you're anesthetized or numb, and can't feel anything? Can you proclaim "je ne sens quoi" or "je ne ressens quoi"?
What if you're too tired to think? Can you proclaim "je ne pense quoi"?
What if you're stuffed, and can't eat or drink anymore? Can you proclaim "je ne bouffe quoi"? "Je ne picole/sirote quoi"? General negation
The main general negator is pas, whose use in clause negation is illustrated in (1) and (5)–(8) above. In addition, the items guère, point, nullement, and aucunement may be used, particularly in more formal registers.
Hansen, The structure of modern standard French (2016), pp 311-2.