My questions are about the bolded sentence below1. (The earlier sentences are there to give context) :
Assise sur le coin du lit, dans la lumière de la lune filtrant entre les persiennes, son regard ahuri planté dans le mien, Denise tenait ses cheveux dans ses mains. Loin de sa tête. Ne lui restaient que quelques touffes de poils éparses sur le crâne.
DeepL's translation:
Sitting on the corner of the bed, in the moonlight filtering through the blinds, her bewildered gaze planted in mine, Denise held her hair in her hands. Far from her head. Only a few tufts of hair remained scattered on her head.
a) Would the bolded sentence be correct, and mean the exact same thing, if I inserted an impersonal "Ils" at the beginning: "Ils ne lui restaient que ..."? (The reason I want to do this, is because the original sentence seems to not have a subject). b) Is there a connotation or stylistic difference made by not having a subject?
What the "lui" is for? Would the bolded sentence make sense if it was deleted? (My confused guess: Is "lui" used with "rester" here because a body part ("le crâne") was mentioned?)
1. From "La Bête à sa Mère", by David Goudreault, chapter 1