What's the difference between “que” and “dont”; for example in:

Je lis le livre que tu m'as donné. (I'm reading the book you gave me)

Je lis le livre dont tu m'as parlé. (I'm reading the book you told me about)

  • Replace the antecedent with a pronoun: Tu me l' as donné whence que tu m'as donné; tu m'en as parlé, whence dont tu m'as parlé; tu y tiens whence auquel tu tiens. Commented Aug 27 at 7:02

7 Answers 7


Que s'utilise avec un verbe transitif :

Tu m'as donné un livre. Je lis le livre que tu m'as donné.

Dont s'utilise avec un verbe intransitif :

Tu m'as parlé d'un livre. Je lis le livre dont tu m'as parlé.

  • 10
    L'emploi d'un verbe intransitif ne suffit pas à déterminer que l'on va utiliser "dont". Voir notamment les constructions verbe + à + complément, par exemple Tu te réfères à un livre. Je lis le livre auquel tu te réfères.. Dans cet exemple, remplacer auquel par dont n'est pas possible. dont ne remplace que les compléments d'objet introduits par de. Commented Jun 21, 2012 at 9:58

As a side note to the answer given by Laurent, even a French native speaker sometimes needs to think about the inverse sentence "Tu m'as donné un livre" to deduce the correct insertion of "que" w.r.t "dont".

In the second sentence "Tu m'as parlé d'un livre", mind the "d'" (or "de" depending on the case), that will lead you to the insertion of "dont".

Not sure it's helpful, though. (That's my first answer here.)

  • 2
    No, that's exactly the most helpful hint possible. I associate de with dont as well. Commented Aug 24, 2012 at 18:43
  • Agree. Other propositions (à, most notably) command a different way of organizing the relative.
    – Circeus
    Commented Sep 5, 2012 at 16:13

I can't explain the grammatical rules (too much technical terms) but an easy way to remember the difference is that you can translate 'dont' with 'of which'.

(Note that in your two proposed translations, the 'which'/'that' are elided).

  • 2
    Good point, although I wonder if native english speakers always know when to use "which" and when to use "that".
    – Joubarc
    Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 12:35
  • And to be honest, I'm not even sure the difference is the same, see for example betterwritingskills.com/tip-w022.html which seems to imply the words may grammatically be interchangeable. In French, it's not a matter of difference of meaning; one is correct and the other isn't.
    – Joubarc
    Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 12:41
  • 1
    @Joubarc, yes, but 'that' and 'of which' aren't interchangeable (and 'of that' can't be used in the same way). Note also that a more literal translation of your sample phrase would be "I'm reading the book of which you spoke". I'm not suggesting that you should translate like this, just that it's a helpful aide-memoire.
    – Benjol
    Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 13:26
  • Ok, my mistake, I hadn't noticed the "of" in "of which".
    – Joubarc
    Commented Aug 18, 2011 at 13:28

Que replaces a direct object (COD in french ‘Complement d'objet direct‘ ).

Dont replaces an object (or person) after ‘de’ like in this example:

Voici l'enfant. J'ai trouvé le ballon de cet enfant.
Voici l'enfant dont j'ai trouvé le ballon.


It can sometimes help to think of dont as an invariable synonym for duquel (or de laquelle, desquels, desquelles).

  • dont is not the same as duquel (& co.). Example: Ce livre dont le titre ne me plaisait pas. Commented Sep 15, 2012 at 15:00

Que = that

Dont = of which, of whom.

"Je lis le livre que tu m'as donné." = I am reading the book that you gave me.

"Je lis le livre dont tu m'as parlé." = I am reading the book of which you spoke.

  • Dont may also stand for whose. Commented Sep 15, 2012 at 15:06
  • The problem is in English you can also say "I am reading the book that you spoke to me about." so translating to English doesn't help to know when to use dont or que in French.
    – Hasen
    Commented Nov 28, 2021 at 5:16

Here as in all relative clauses it's a case problem (yes there are cases in french). Both dont and que (as duquel, auquel, etc) replace the noun in the relative clause :

  • Dont is the genitive form and it's used to mark a complément du nom

  • Que is the accusative form and marks a complément d'objet direct, a direct objet of the relative clause. "Que" is also an ambivalent word equivalent to the English "that" or even "what" as in "je sais que j'ai raison" (i know that i'm right) or in "les mots que j'ai dits" (the words that i said) (and i'm not sure about that s after dits)

  • Auquel would be the equivalent for an indirect object.

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