(It's my very first question here, and I've only started learning French.)
J’ai cherché un sens à mon existence
J’y ai laissé mon innocence
I have looked for a meaning to my existence
I have left my innocence ...
- What does 'y' refer to? It's not just some indefinite 'there', is it?
J’ai fini le cœur sans défense
I have finished with the unprotected heart
- Am I correct in inserting the preposition 'with', rather than translating it along the line of 'I have terminated the unprotected heart'?
J’ai bu tant de liqueurs amères
Que j’en ai les lèvres de pierre
I have drunk so many bitter liqueurs that I have lips of stone ...
- I would guess that 'en' means 'because of them [those bitter liqueurs]'. If that's the case, what's the logic behind it?
Au gré de nos blessures et de nos désinvoltures
C’est quand on n’y croit plus du tout
Qu’on trouve un paradis perdu en nous
Along the course of injuries and ..., it's when we don't believe in ... anymore that we find a lost paradise in ourselves.
- Again, I don't know what 'y' refers to. And the meaning of 'désinvolture' a dictionary has given me (offhand manner, flippancy) doesn't seem to fit. And am I right in translating 'au gré de' as 'along the course of'?