The song is "Les amours dévouées" by Cœur de pirate.
This part, the chorus, is far away from my understanding:
Mais j’arrive et que celles qui t’attendent ne t’attendent plus jamais.
In several translations, they say this part has some strange tenses like this:
But I am coming and the girls that are waiting for you
will never wait for you again.
I understand the tenses are different, aren't they? She is like telling a story that repeats itself every time she arrives. But that conflicts with the rest of the verse:
Ou se fassent un sang d’encre pour ce diamant que j’ai
Si je dois moi-même tendre la carte d’une dévouée
Which, as I understand, says:
Or worry for the diamond that I have, if I myself have to hand a letter of a devote
What is she trying to say with this whole verse then? Can you say what is dévouée in French culture?