Tu sais, ici tout le monde se connaît. Et tu ne passes pas un entretien d'embauche. Ne t'avise pas de me lancer du madame à tout bout de champ. Même pour des questions de respect ou de bonne éducation, d'accord ?
The excerpt is from Les gens heureux lisent et boivent du café by Agnès Martin-Lugand.
The choice of masculine article for the word madame here is somewhat surprising, to say the least. The only explanation I can think of is that the word titre is implied (as in du titre de madame) and the article is chosen accordingly. Is that correct?
This brings to mind the phrase mon petit, which the famous Commissaire Maigret used to address a teen-aged girl in one of Simenon's novels. At the time I deduced that the word enfant was implied, but I've since learned that enfant can also be used as a feminine noun, so that theory doesn't seem to hold water now. What could be a better explanation?