The English expression "could have been" has (at least) two meanings:
- Someone "could have done" something, but in reality didn't.
- Something "could have been" the truth, but we don't know for sure whether it is.
What is the appropriate translation of each meaning?
An example of the first meaning is
He could have done much better on the exam.
Is the correct translation the following?
Il aurait pu faire beaucoup mieux sur l'examen.
An example of the second meaning is
A: The cat is dead. Do you know who killed it?
B: I'm not sure. There are several people who could have killed it. I think Pierre could have killed it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually the one who killed it.
Is the correct translation the following?
B: ... Je pense que Pierre peut avoir tué le chat. En fait, je ne serais pas surpris(e) s'il était effectivement celui qui l'a tué.