How can I translate correctly the phrase:
I have my family help
My doubt is: Do I have to translate it as:
J'ai la aidé de mon famille
I don't understand how I should conjugate the verb aider.
How can I translate correctly the phrase:
I have my family help
My doubt is: Do I have to translate it as:
J'ai la aidé de mon famille
I don't understand how I should conjugate the verb aider.
I think you want (allowing myself to slightly correct your sentence to: I have my family's help / I have the help of my family):
J'ai l'aide de ma famille.
But that doesn't sound very natural. Before we look at alternatives, if the English sentence you used is accurate, it would IMHO be, roughly:
Je vais faire en sorte que ma famille m'aide.
For a more natural-sounding sentence corresponding to the first meaning, you could say:
Ma famille m'aide.
Which is: My family helps/is helping me.
Or (more natural):
Ma famille va m'aider.
My family is going to help me.
In English, "I have my family help" makes sense to me but doesn't mean the same as "I have my family's help". The latter would be translated by the French that Frank gave:
J'ai l'aide de ma famille.
But the former doesn't quite mean that. It means "I make my family help", "I get my family to help", or perhaps more politely "I ask my family to help" (compare this article). Note that who exactly is being helped is not specified — it could be "me" but that's reading into it a little. Some possible translations for this sense:
J'ai ma famille qui aide (or qui m'aide -- not spelled out in the English sentence)
Je fais aider ma famille (or Je me fais aider par ma famille)
Je fais en sorte que ma famille aide (or m'aide)
Note that the English sentence is in a somewhat informal tone because it omits what they're helping with. An example of its use might be:
How do you manage to answer all your fan mail?
Oh, I have my family help. (Je fais en sorte que ma famille m'aide.)
Just as good a response would be:
Oh, I have my family's help. (J'ai l'aide de ma famille.)
On the other hand, if you meant "I have my family's help" or other related sentences then Frank's answer works.