I'm having trouble understanding this sentence (which appears in the comic in the French rules for the board game Takenoko):

Je suis certain que vous saurez vous en occuper.

The part that I'm having trouble understanding is:

vous saurez vous en occuper.

This is how I approached understanding this:

  • I understand "vous saurez" to be the typical subject-verb mini-sentence that can be built upon to create a more complicated sentence, just like "Je veux" or "Je mange" are simple mini-sentences that could be built upon. Using google translate helps me understand that "saurez" is the "vous" conjugation of "savoir".
  • The second "vous", my guess, must be some kind of object pronoun (i.e., a direct object or indirect object pronoun)

This leaves "en occuper", and this is where I have trouble.

  • Is "occuper" an infinitive that follows a conjugated semi-auxillary verb, as if the sentence is "Vous saurez vous occuper" (which is a construction I'm familiar with, similar to "Je veux danser")? If so, what is that "en" (is it another pronoun?)
  • or is "en occuper" one unit, the way that I have seen "en + past-participle" (such as "en dansant") be "one unit"?

(For those who like to hear about the difficulties a French Language Learner has: I'm realizing that pronouns that come directly before infinitives often confuse me; they aren't something that teaching materials talk a lot about. Another sentence from the same comic that I struggled with also uses a pronoun before an infinitive: "Je tenais à vous offrir le plus beau symbole du yin et du yang").

2 Answers 2


"Vous vous occupez" comes from the verb "s'occuper".

"en" is a pronoun that replaces the object in the sentence :

Je m'occupe de ma grand-mère -> Je m'en occupe.


The second "vous" is a "pronom réfléchi", it's part of the verb and doesn't really have a function.

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