I came across two sentences that make it seem that "tellement" is a conjunction, but it is not listed as such in the dictionary. This question also asks if it is a conjunction, but there does not seem to be an answer given to this question.
The first sentence I came across was this:
(1) J'en tremblais tellement ça me faisait du bien.
I had noticed that the sentence structure was unfamiliar to me; "ça me faisait du bien" ("It did me some good") seems to be some kind of independent clause (ie, a "mini sentence that can stand on its own"), but strangely coming directly after another independent clause ("J'en tremblais tellement", "I was trembling from it so much"), without a conjunction in between.
Anyways, I looked up the word "trembler" in wordreference, and to my surprise, one of the example sentences was:
(2) La jeune femme tremblait tellement elle avait froid.
The young woman was so cold that she was shivering.
It seems that tellement acts like a conjunction, but the wordreference page does not list it as a conjunction.
According to (2), it seems that "tellement" is a kind of adverb + conjunction, meaning "because the verb in the following mini-sentence was so intense": "The young woman shivered because she was so very cold."
If I try to apply this to (1), though, I get: "I was trembling from it because it did me so much good" (and not "I was trembling so much from it because it did me good").
So even if tellement is a conjunction, I'm not sure if it's modifying the verb (by intensifying it with "so much") in the first mini-sentence, or the second mini-sentence.
In the linked question, the following sentence does not have a translation in English on that page:
Ses parents sont restés sans voix tellement c'était incroyablement délicieux.
If I had to guess a translation, I would either guess:
- "Their parents intensely ("so much") remained without speaking, because it was incredibly good", or
- "Their parents remained without speaking, because it was incredibly so intensely good.
- Is my guess that "tellement" is a conjunction correct? If so, what reference might be able to tell me this information?
- Does "tellement" modify the verb in the first independent clause, or the second independent clause?