How do I translate

French is a difficult language for me to learn.


I suspect that I don't know the grammar construction. Does this construction exist in French?

My attempt to translate it is below.

My attempt:

I already learned that "Do you want me to speak French?" uses two clauses (mini-sentences), and "que", and it does use a verb in the subjunctive.

I noticed that the sentence I'm having trouble translating also has a "me + infinitive". So I thought to try to use the same strategy:

"French is a difficult language for that I learn"??? ("Le français est un langue difficile pour que j'appris"??)

I strongly suspect that this attempt is probably not correct.

1 Answer 1


That would generally be translated that way:

Le français est une langue difficile pour moi.

but it is ambiguous. To specify the verb, you might say:

Le français est une langue difficile à apprendre pour moi.

  • Given that the "me + infinitive" construction in "Do you want me to speak French" doesn't exist in French, I should have guessed that it also doesn't exist for "French is a difficult language for me to speak". I did not think of using "à + verb", so thanks!
    – silph
    Commented Apr 7, 2018 at 21:55

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