My understanding of tel is that it can act as an indefinite adjective as well as a qualifying adjective*.
Example of tel acting as an indefinite adjective:
- Une telle faiblesse est en fait votre force. = Such a weakness is actually your strength.
Example of tel acting as a qualifying adjective:
- Elle est un tel gâchis. = She is such a mess.
My question is the following: According to cliffsnotes **:
when another adjective is being used to describe the same noun tel is acting on, tel changes to si.
Now I just need some clarification on the matter. By "another adjective" do they mean any BANGS adjective or do they mean all qualifying adjectives? Secondly, does it just apply to when tel is acting as a qualifying adjective or does it also apply to when tel is acting as an indefinite adjective too?
So to be as explicit as possible, which of the following are true?
1) When tel is acting as an indefinite adjective and a BANGS adjective acts on the same noun tel is acting on, tel changes to si.
2) When tel is acting as an indefinite adjective and a qualifying adjective acts on the same noun tel is acting on, tel changes to si.
3) When tel is acting as qualifying adjective and a BANGS adjective acts on the same noun tel is acting on, tel changes to si.
4) When tel is acting as qualifying adjective and a qualifying adjective acts on the same noun tel is acting on, tel changes to si.
*Qualifying adjective is what normally comes to mind when we think of the word adjective e.g. blue, big, scary etc.