I am translating a web interface to French. The button says "Agree to All" confirming the user agrees to all the conditions stated above. What is the best translation in French for this button?
Tout accepter
Accepter toutes
I am translating a web interface to French. The button says "Agree to All" confirming the user agrees to all the conditions stated above. What is the best translation in French for this button?
Tout accepter
Accepter toutes
J'accepte tout (par example) ce que tu as proposé.
I accept everything (for example) that you have proposed.
Tout est un adjectif indéfini, précédant et déterminant ici le pronom démonstratif neutre ce, lui-même antécédent du pronom relatif que.
(Tout is an indefinite adjective, preceding and determining here the neutral demonstrative pronoun ce, itself antecedent of the relative pronoun que.)
J'accepte tout.
Tout est ici un adverbe signifiant everything.
(Tout is an adverb here, meaning everything.)
Tout accepter pourrait traduire en français agree to all/accept everything.
(Tout accepter could be interpreted in French as agree to all/accept everything.)
See for instance
Il est encore un adverbe.
Accepter toutes les conditions/les règles/les modifications.
Accept all the conditions / rules / changes.
Toutes est ici le féminin singulier de l'adjectif tout (tout/tous/toute/toutes). Un adjectif doit s'ajouter à un nom ou à un pronom auquel il apporte une précision. La structure accepter toutes n'est donc pas possible.
(Here toute is the singular feminine of the adjective tout. An adjective must be related to a name or a pronoun which it describes. Thus, the form accepter toutes is not allowed.)
You can say either :
Tout accepter
Accepter toutes les conditions
But you can't say accepter toutes
without anything behind. (Or at least never seen it)
It would be accepter toutes since the user is going to accepter toutes les conditions