“Avoir du talent” vs “être un talent”:

How different are they? Do they have the same meaning? E.g.

Ma fille a le plus de talent. Mon fils est un talent.

3 Answers 3


I agree with jlliagre, with just one precision : être un talent can be used when talking about someone, but it's not frequent at all, except for this expression : jeune talent, which would mean being a promising young one. Example :

Ce garçon fait partie des jeunes talents de la chanson française.

  • Yes, that's why I wrote generally. Être un talent might refer to someone too, but is rare with that acception.
    – jlliagre
    Commented May 21, 2018 at 13:57

They haven't the same meaning.

You say avoir du talent when talking about someone but être un talent is generally used when talking about the talent itself:

Ce jeune artiste a du talent.

C'est un talent caché que vous avez là !


Some examples will make it clear.

Ma fille a le plus/moins de talent. My daughter has the most/least talent.

J'ai découvert que j'ai du talent pour m'exprimer en public. I discovered that I am good at speaking to an audience.

Quel est ton talent caché que tu ne connais pas? What is your hidden talent that you do not know?

Ils peuvent être très talentueux et performants. They may be very accomplished and competetive.


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