On this website, it says that the preposition "en" is usually followed by a noun (and in other cases, it is sometimes placed directly after a verb). I see that in the examples on that page, "en + [noun]" seems to act like an adverb or like an adjective.
However, in an article I'm reading, it says:
En parler permet de démystifier, au contraire de l'indifférence, m'explique Chloé, avant d'enchaîner sur le concept de la neutralité négative, désignant la discimination en douce, la micro agression.
(I've provided the full sentence, in order to give context, in case the context matters).
WordReference's page for "permet" tells me that "permet" is a conjugated form of permettre.
That means that "En parler" must be a subject!
- What does "En parler" mean, in this sentence?
- In general, what does "en + [infinitive verb]" mean? Are there online webpages that can teach me about this construction?