Si je veux poser une question, est-ce que c'est correct de dire

"Quels outils utiliser pour écrire un livre ou des courts textes?" ou

"Quels outils utiliser pour écrire un livre ou de courts textes?"


1 Answer 1


L'article indéfini de sera utilisé ici :

Quels outils utiliser pour écrire un livre ou de courts textes ?

et des si l'adjectif courts est placé après :

Quels outils utiliser pour écrire un livre ou des textes courts ?

  • Sorry for the rudimentary question here, but In French is it fine to write "Quels outils utiliser"? I think it means "which tools to use", but there is neither a preposition (like à; or something equavalent to to in English) nor verb conjugation.
    – Blaszard
    Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 2:20
  • 1
    @Blaszard The sentence as written is fine. The verb doesn't need to be conjugated, just like with your correct English translation which tools to use. While in that case the preposition to is required before an English infinitive, there is no such requirement in French. There are however cases where de plays the same role as to like in j'ai besoin d'utiliser un outil : "I need to use a tool".
    – jlliagre
    Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 2:42

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