I want to know how to say:

You should sit down and please stop moving.

  • Since the person is standing, I doubt if the moving you wish to stop involves "fidgeting" but if it does (or for future reference when it does), you could consider adding some figurative playfulness with: "... et arrête/z de gigoter/bouger comme un/des asticot/s!"
    – Papa Poule
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 15:49

4 Answers 4


Assieds-toi (sit down) et ne bouge plus (and stop moving)

  • En tant que parent j'utilise plutôt le terme reste tranquille au lieu de ne bouge plus
    – user20580
    Commented May 27, 2019 at 10:32
  • 1
    @hoplageiss j'en doute pas, mais elle demandait la traduction, donc autant donner la plus proche ! Pour ma part c'est "TU TE CALMES ET TU TE TAIS" :)
    – Maryannah
    Commented May 27, 2019 at 10:35

Assieds-toi et arrête de bouger !


I just remembered this particular kind of imperative (actually 'mode indicatif') that is sometimes used with children and pets. It conveys a stronger command than just the imperative mood. Point with finger for greater effect.

Tu t'asseois et tu arrêtes de bouger.

This is somewhat analogous to english 'You don't talk back to me' used as imperative.


To a child :

" Assieds-toi et tiens-toi tranquille"

"Assieds toi et cesse de remuer dans tous les sens"

To a dog : "assis, pas bouger"

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