Il s'est avéré que nos mots de passe sur Facebook étaient loin d'être aussi sécurisés qu'on le laisse croire. De là à dire/penser qu'ils ont aussi pour habitude de lire nos textos privés dans notre dos, il n'y a qu'un pas.

I was just writing a comment on another forum, and I'm left wondering which mood goes well with the subordinate clause of "De là à dire/penser que ...":

De là à dire/penser qu'ils aient aussi pour habitude de lire nos textos privés dans notre dos, il n'y a qu'un pas.

De là à dire/penser qu'ils auraient aussi pour habitude de lire nos textos privés dans notre dos, il n'y a qu'un pas.

The conditional mood (used for speculation and hearsay) seems least likely in a subordinate clause, but for the sake of argument.

2 Answers 2


Any mood or tense might follow que here:

De là à dire qu'ils ont, ont eu, avaient, avaient eu, eurent, eurent eu, auront, auront eu, aient, aient eu, eussent, eussent eu, auraient, auraient eu aussi pour habitude de lire...

The one to use depends on what you actually had in mind.

Stephane's comment summarize very well the rules:

As to which form should be chosen, in a few words, if the thought statement is viewed as a thesis you'd use indicative, if it's viewed as a hypothesis you'd use subjunctive, and if it's viewed as an eventuality, you'd use conditional.

  • 1
    As to which form should be chosen, in a few words, if the thought statement is viewed as a thesis you'd use indicative, if it's viewed as a hypothesis you'd use subjuctive, and if it's viewed as an eventuality, you'd use conditionnal. Commented May 28, 2019 at 9:43

"aient" is subjective and "auraient" is at the conditional. You use them depending of your sentence.

In your particular sentence I think I will use the indicative "ont"

Verbes d'opinion +subjonctif ou indicatif - cours

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