I've been learning French and reading and writing it is easy. But understanding spoken French is hard because many consonants are not pronounced, and they speak so fast, blurring the entire sentence into one long string of words. I've been practicing hard to try to understand it, listening over and over again. I made some progress until I could not improve any more. I can understand simple sentences but when they speak advanced sentences fast, I either fail to hear critical vowels or they omit saying it. I am forced to fill in the missing pieces by context, but sometimes it is just impossible with so many possibilities of what the sentence should be. How do French people live with it, speaking like that?
For example the sentence:
Nous sommes plus heureux séparés.
I hear this sentence as
Nous sommes plus heure ou ses par air
because these sound the same to me when spoken fast.
Another example:
on entre ou tu sors
I fail to hear the critical word Ou and hear:
on entre tu sors
So how can I possibly improve my listening skills when vowels, and even words are omitted, and short words sound the same as other short words?