I have started to learn French, and so far it works quite well, but today one thing caught my eye, and I am not able to figure out why it is like it is. My problem is related to the following two sentences, first:
Quel est ton numéro de téléphone?
Quelle est ton adresse?
Actually it's two questions I have about this:
Why is it one time
and one timequelle
? Is this related to the gender oftéléphone
? If so, why is itton adresse
, butune adresse email
? Or does theton
follow the gender of the recipient?When do you use
and when do you useta
? Is this related to the gender of the speaker, or of the recipient?
Regarding question number 2, what makes me wonder is that it's ma chérie
if you are talking to a female, but mon chéri
if talking to a male, but on the other hand it's mon amour
if talking to a female and to a man. So to me it seems, as if sometimes if would be adjusted, but sometimes not. Why is this?