I’m trying to figure out how to say
(1) “I’m interested to do sth.”
(2) “I’m interested in doing sth.”
(1) So in Collins dictionary, we have the example
« Je serais intéressé de connaître votre opinion. » = “I would be interested to hear your views.” (Please see screenshot below).
So from this example, I’m guessing that « Je suis intéressé de faire qch » equals “I’m interested to do something”. Is this grammatically correct?
(2) I would also like to know how to say “I’m interested in doing something.” Google Translate is saying the answer is « Je suis intéressé à faire quelque chose. » Is Google’s Translation grammatically correct?
I would just like to know if they are grammatically correct translations. :) Also, I’m a beginner so if you do decide to give an explanation, please make it as simple as possible. Thank you so much! :)
(1): https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-french/interested