What is the explanation for this verb not following this rule Rule's page?
What is the most appropriate rule to explain this?
I don't know whether I must take this page very seriously because of how différencié is written.
What is the explanation for this verb not following this rule Rule's page?
What is the most appropriate rule to explain this?
I don't know whether I must take this page very seriously because of how différencié is written.
The "règle 6" is incorrectly stated.
It only applies with word ending with -ed, -ef, -er and -ez.
Actually, outside abbreviations like tél. or déc., E never has a acute accent when it is followed by a final consonant that is not an S, but only D, F, R and Z give it an accented pronunciation, the reason why these letters are listed in the rule (correction: the word tel has no written accent but is pronounced with an accented E).
Différencie is correctly written, it's the third person singular indicative, not a past participle.
I guess you can find the answer in your other post :
Question about acute accentuation / l'accent aigu (é)
On met un accent aigu lorsque la voyelle "e" est placée entre deux consonnes
Here the "e" is between "f" and "r"