According to many sources such as,you%20stand%20out%20just%20enough.
Unless your email is going to a particularly formal or traditional business professional, "fondly" and "yours truly" both fall into the same category as "sincerely": they work, but they're formal and monotonous. As a global staffing agency, we always recommend showing your personality – within reason – when it's appropriate. To that end, cheers, best, and take care have all become front-runners in the modern age of email professionalism. In particular, we recommend cheers. What was once a quaint British phrase for saying goodbye has become a mainstay in American professional email culture, offering an upbeat, simple, and perfectly professional option for ending your emails. It’s pleasant, unique, and will make you stand out just enough. So far I’ve only encountered one company that uses cheers to end its emails and my experience has always been… cheery.
What are some words or expressions that could convey 'cheers' in the end of a professional (but not formal) email?