These sentences come from a grammar textbook 1. (They are in a section where the textbook discusses situations where an infinitive is used as a direct object of the conjugated verb, and where the logical subject of the infinitive is not the same as the logical subject of the main (ie conjugated) verb.) :
Nous avons emmené les enfants faire un tour sur les manèges.
We took the children for a ride on the merry-go-rounds.
J’ai envoyé Paul faire les courses.
I sent Paul to do the shopping.
I'm wondering if these sentences would still be correct (and have the exact same meaning) if I insert the word "pour" just before the infinitive. (This would match more closely the wording used in English) :
Nous avons emmené les enfants pour faire un tour sur les manèges.
J’ai envoyé Paul pour faire les courses.
1. Monique L'Huiller, "Advanced French Grammar", p. 207