I was presented on Facebook by a French puzzle from one of my French relatives as follows:
Combien d'angles possède un cube?
With 2, 4, 6 or 8, as the possible choices. Now I know there are 24 angles in a cube, but 8 vertices. Google translator is telling me that l'angle translates to corner as well as angle. Now, in English, vertices can be called corners, but the latter is less formal. So what are the terms used by French mathematicians to refer to vertices and angles?
Addendum: Having now read several comments, I need to be clear that in English, vertex is the main word used for the intersection of lines/sides in a polygon (2D figure) or lines/edges in a polyhedron. And, to complicate matters, with a polyhedron in 3D, 3 planes can intersect to form a vertex, not just three lines. But, and this is important, in any dimension, linear objects are points, lines, planes and thereafter, for linear objects of dimension greater than 2, hyperplanes. In all dimensions, including and beyond 2, angles are the orientation between lines, planes and hyperplanes in various combinations of all three.
My specific question is, what are the correct French mathematical term for the specific English mathematical terms, vertex and angle? It's not about everyday uses or confusions of those terms, which are legion.