Normally, to find the root of a verb in the subjunctive tense, you would take the nous-form and remove the -ons. In être, the nous-form is nous sommes, so there is no -ons to remove. What is the subjunctive root of être?

  • 1
  • 1
    It's irregular in the subjunctive. Many verbs are. I suggest learning them all. You can find them all conjugated on conjugation and dictionary sites; there's no need to ask for conjugations here. Commented Mar 7, 2013 at 23:08
  • Every frequent verb is irregular (être, avoir, aller, faire, pouvoir, dire,...). It is a universal invariant in all languages. Hopefully, you ear them often so you learn them fast.
    – AlainD
    Commented Mar 16, 2013 at 18:41

1 Answer 1


Être, présent du subjonctif :

que je sois
que tu sois
qu'il/qu'elle/qu'on soit
que nous soyons
que vous soyez
qu'ils/qu'elles soient

You would say the root would be "soi-"

"être" is as strange in French as it is in English : I am, you are, he is, don't show any roots either.

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