I am confused about the correct word for pepper in French. My reference material for my French course indicates that pepper is poivre. My friend, a francophone, however contests that. She says the correct word for pepper is piment.
To further add to my confusion, I looked up both piment and poivre in Grand Dictionnaire Hachette-Oxford and these were the results:
piment nm
- (plante) capsicum;
- (condiment) hot pepper;
- (stimulation) du piment a bit of spice; le risque met du piment dans la vie danger adds a bit of spice to life.
piment doux sweet pepper; piment rouge red hot pepper, chilli; piment vert hot pepper.
poivre nm
pepper; poivre moulu ground pepper; poivre en grains whole peppercorns; poivre blanc/noir/vert white/black/green pepper; un steak au poivre vert a steak with green peppercorns; poivre de Cayenne cayenne pepper; poivre et sel salt-and-pepper (épith); il est poivre et sel he has salt-and-pepper hair; poivre rose pink pepper berries.
Note that both entries indicate pepper as possible translations!
This is the pepper I am talking about: