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Questions tagged [apprentissage]

Méthodes et procédés dʼapprentissage de la langue française. / About learning French: means and methods to use.

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29 votes
7 answers

Are there good tools for learning to speak French?

I'm a newcomer to France, I've have never had a formal education in French at school (being raised in South Africa), and i'm really trying to improve my French by: Taking lessons once a week, ...
alpian's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Comment fait-on pour reconnaître et mémoriser le genre des noms ?

Il y a un an et demi que j'ai commencé à apprendre le français, mais pour moi c'est difficile de reconnaître et de mémoriser le genre des mots. Par exemple, « chaise » est féminin parce qu'il se ...
Rasoul Zabihi's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Recommended grammar textbook for self-study

There are French grammar textbooks written in my native language. However, most of them are either too simple (containing not enough information) or too hard (contain many information but less ...
trequartista's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

French movies/videos with French subtitles

I would appreciate it if you would introduce me to some sources of free downloadable videos/films in the French language accompanied by French subtitles (either treating of mathematics or of any ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
45 votes
16 answers

What movies or TV series can I use to improve my French?

Watching movies or TV series are very helpful in learning a language. What such movies or series (french ones, of course) is recommended for a new learner? This is what I experienced in learning ...
Iravanchi's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Comment enseigner le français à ceux qui le connaissent déjà un peu ?

Une amie de 25 ans m'a demandé de lui enseigner le français. Je suis prof, mais pas de langues; j'enseigne le dessin d'animation. Cela dit, je dévore tous les ouvrages ayant rapport à la pédagogie, ...
Xananax's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Origin of the "Dr. and Mrs. Vandertramp" mnemonic

In my French class, we were taught the "Dr. and Mrs. Vandertramp" mnemonic to learn the main verbs that use être as an auxiliary verb in the passé composé in most cases. Looking at the results from a ...
Graham's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Dans quel ordre enseigner le français ?

Mon petit-ami irlandais essaie de réapprendre le français et je me suis fait une mission de l'aider. Je suis italienne mais je suis née et j'ai vécu au Luxembourg, donc je le parle assez couramment ...
Leila's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Comment étudier le français tout seul ?

Mon niveau est presque B1-B2 (cadre CECR). J'ai un bon vocabulaire (mais il pourrait certainement être meilleur), je me débrouille pas mal dans la compréhension, mais j'ai quelque soucis avec l’...
Paolo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

French school ebooks to download

Je suis un étudiant de français langue étrangère, et j'utilise une nouvelle méthode pour apprendre cette langue. Avec cette nouvelle méthode, j'apprends à lire en premier, donc écouter, puis écrire, ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is a good native french dictionary and grammar book? [closed]

I would like to buy a French dictionary and grammar book written for native speakers. What are some good ones?
Usagi's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Drilling tools for active mastery?

I am nearly a fluent reader and translator of French and can somewhat understand it spoken (I have a reasonably good passive understanding of French.), but are there drilling tools to improve my ...
Geremia's user avatar
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