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2 answers

How to say "later bedtime"?

I am watching a cartoon, in which a dentist threatens a bunch of children that he will rat them out on a stolen magazine unless the children return it. If the dentist tells their parents, they will ...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How would you translate "Le Souper fin" based on available context?

Today, I was very happy to receive an original 1783 print of Le Souper fin (as capitalized on the piece)...but how would you translate the title? So far, I've seen The Supper's End, The End of Supper, ...
mig81's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the French tongue-twister?

In Godard's Detective at 1:25:18 and slower version and extremely slow one of the characters utters extremely rapidly a French tongue twister which was translated as: My kid'll fix your kid so she ...
bobsmith76's user avatar
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8 answers

Some Iconic French Poetry?

I am looking for some poetry that is very iconic for French culture.. that every French kid knows. Or it can be a very famous speech in French literature. I need it for learning by heart for reading ...
Constantin Werner's user avatar
2 votes
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In an Informal Setting How Long Do People Usually Wait to Use "Tu"

So if you meet someone of the opposite gender (that you are romantically interested in) at a bar in France, how long do people usually wait to start using "tu"? An hour? later that evening? ...
workThrowAway's user avatar
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Les fleuves en France [closed]

Je me doute qu’il n’y a que la Garonne (le plus court fleuve) et Le Rhin ( il est bien puissant) Mais quant au Rhône? J’ai entendu et même cherché sur internet , c’est le plus puissant mais on ne le ...
user16887's user avatar
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4 answers

Peut-on être fier et humble à la fois ?

J'ai, à plusieurs reprises, entendu des personnes dire, suite à, entre autres, une nomination, une remise de prix ou une décoration, qu'ils en « sont fiers » et qu'ils l'acceptent « avec humilité » (...
peanutjelly's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Emploi du mot « arabe »

J'ai une petite question ; on désigne souvent par le nom arabe des personnes issues du monde arabo-musulman. Cependant je me suis rendu compte qu'il était mal vu de l'employer, par exemple dans des ...
Taken Armin's user avatar
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French Fanfiction [closed]

I was just wondering, are there French fan fiction communities? Like an FF.Net specific to French? For an example we have from Germany, Anything like that, but for French ...
Mia's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Are French classic authors 'famous' outside of France? [closed]

If you are French, you haven't necessarily read Flaubert, Hugo, Balzac, Stendhal, ... but you know their names. How famous are those authors outside of France? Do people with a minimum education know ...
Thomas's user avatar
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La connexion entre Notre-Dame et la prière « Je Vous salue, Marie »

C'est une question culturelle. J’espère qu’elle est permise. J’ai vu que plusieurs Parisiens chantaient la prière « Je Vous salue, Marie » dans différents lieux pendant que la cathédrale Notre-Dame ...
k.stm's user avatar
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5 answers

"Faire la bise" in France vs hugging in America

I am taking an online course (from CMU online learning initiative here... it's pretty good so far). In a video, a girl comes into scene where a few people are sitting around a table. She seems ...
Him's user avatar
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Présentation: diapo avec remerciements (nécessaire ou non)

Nowadays, there is an active discussion about why one should delete the "Thank you!" slide (and how to end appropriately his/her presentation). See, for instance,
Dimitris's user avatar
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6 answers

Expression pour l'acte de laisser un objet dans la rue pour qu'un inconnu le prenne

J'ai vu cela plusieurs fois dans certaines grandes villes françaises: au lieu d'aller a la déchetterie pour se débarrasser d'objets encombrants, certaines personnes les laissent dans la rue, sachant ...
Taladris's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Where does the idea that French people say "oh la la" all the time come from ?

As a French man living abroad, I often hear non-French people saying "Oh la la !" (along with an imitation of a kind of posh attitude) after someone talked about something that is typical of France or ...
Bruno Pérel's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What are three ways French cheese or "fromages" are categorized? [closed]

On my French study guide, there is a question asking what are three ways French cheese are categorized. However, when searching online, it said that there are 8 different ways they can be categorized. ...
amitkulk123's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Une œuvre étroitement associée au « 14 Juillet » ?

Depuis 1880 (l'année où « La République [française] adopte le 14 juillet comme jour de fête nationale annuelle »), y a-t-il une (partie d'une) œuvre en littérature dont il est de notoriété (en France),...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why does French use orange for alerts/alarms, while English prefers yellow?

This is possibly not a linguistic question, but a cultural one, however it could have linguistic origins, so I am asking it here... In English-speaking countries, the "default" color between green ...
anol's user avatar
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2 answers

Un slow minimal

As far as I can tell, the only song from Cindy: Cendrillon 2002 to make it onto Luc Plamondon's collection J'aurais voulu être un artiste, etc. is "Salaud" (paroles). I've worked out most of it... I ...
Luke Sawczak's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the term for "fanfiction" in French?

What is the commonly used term for "fanfiction" in french? Google gives me an identical translation "fanfiction", but I wonder if this is what French people actually use.
akai's user avatar
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2 answers

Voit-on jamais "a.m." ou "p.m." dans des pays francophones ?

Je sais bien qu'on ne dit jamais "On se retrouve à sept heures a.m./p.m." On dirait, bien sûr: "...à sept heures du soir/du matin" ou bien pour préciser l'après-midi ou le soir: "...à ...
cccg03's user avatar
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Why are mutiple kissES exchanged (at least one on each cheek) when "faisant LA bise"?

If “la bise”and “le bec” are both singular nouns meaning “the kiss,” why do French and many Francophone people generally exchange multiple kisses on their cheeks when they “faire la bise / le bec” ...
Tia27's user avatar
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5 answers

Où est-ce que je peux regarder la télé en français sur Internet ?

Je veux regarder la télé en français, et ça ne me dérange pas de payer des frais si nécessaire. Est-ce que vous avez des idées ?
pixelearth's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are French terms of endearment so bizarre?

My question may seem very vague, so I shall try and clarify what I mean by bizarre. Here are a few examples of terms of endearment that I had in mind while posing this question: Mon chou (...
user3182445's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should "demande de stage" be hand-written or typed? [closed]

I want to submit a "demande de stage" in person. Please, in French culture, should it be hand-written or typed? Thank you
EasternRiver's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How to apologise in French

I was wondering, if one was to hurt somebody accidentally what would be an appropriate way of apologising? For example if a child were to hit an elder while on their bicycle.
Avisian's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Usage of 'hot' meaning 'good-looking' or 'attractive'

The word 'hot' in English is usually perceived as: an adjective that conveys the degree of heat possessed by an object. A French translation for 'hot' in this context would be 'chaud'. However, ...
user3182445's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

How grave of a mistake is it to misuse 'tu' and 'vous'?

I'm not speaking of contexts in which I should appropriately use 'tu' or 'vous', I'm actually referring to the actual shock of it all. Is it the equivalent (in english, for example) of saying "Hey ...
Morklympious's user avatar