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What's the credibility of the etymology of the village name Velaux mentioned by French Wikipedia page on Avignon's history?

I have asked this question on History: What is the meaning of the word "vallaque" in the French Wikipedia page on Avignon's history?. I was about to ask that here too, but I think it's ...
cipricus's user avatar
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9 votes
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Orthographe : Angers et Anjou

Chaque fois que je vois une carte de France, je me demande : pourquoi Angers et Anjou (et non *Anjers ni *Angeou) ? Selon Wikipedia, Angers est mentionnée au Moyen Âge sous les formes Andecava ...
Mathieu Bouville's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the etymology of the toponym Carentan?

What is the etymology of the toponym Carentan (a small rural town near the north-eastern base of the French Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy)?
overdisperse's user avatar
1 vote
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Le « marigot » : précisions, expression, autres toponymes substantivés ?

Histoire generale des isles de S. Christophe, de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans l'Amerique : où l'on verra l'establissement des colonies françoises, dans ces isles; leurs guerres ...
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