None of your suggestions would fit.

> *Ça me branche* → "I'm interested about doing something (in the future)." 

> *Ça me botte* → "I like it" but very outdated.

> *Ça m'interpelle* → Frowned upon, "I'm concerned about it; I feel the need to react."

I would suggest:

> *C'est ce qui me plait chez toi.*

I use:

-  ***c'est ce qui*** vs ***c'est ça qui*** because I expect it to be pronounced *c'est **c'qui*** which is more colloquial than *c'est **ça qui***.

- ***chez*** vs ***en*** because ***en toi/vous*** is formal while ***chez toi/vous*** is colloquial.

- ***toi*** vs ***vous*** for the same reason, although *vous* is of course also possible, depending whether you *tutoie* or *vouvoie* that person.