I don't know about the cartoon, but it can also be interpretted as **cunning plan of the rabbit**.<br/> So it could be a playword if for instance, the rabbit is trying to suicide with a very clever plan (or you are trying to kill the rabbit).<br/> As [Romain Valeri][1] said, the "coup du lapin" is well known when we talk about breaking neck on car accident.<br/> On your cartoon, it looks like the rappid it trying to reach the carrot, but he is being disturbed by a well organised group of animals. It could be the "cunning plan about the rabbit"<br/> I saw an other exemple here :<br/> ![http://i-cms.linternaute.com/image_cms/original/296853-un-fakir-ne-ferait-pas-mieux.jpg][2] It looks like this is a book with many cartoons about a rabbit trying to suicide. It would so be a wordplay about **the rabbit doing a clever plan** and **dying quickly**.<br/> We see more infos [here][3]. We see the original title is **Return of the Bunny Suicides**.<br/> We also see many other way to suicide with [very imaginative plans][4] [1]: https://french.stackexchange.com/users/1186/romain-valeri [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/pqFxP.jpg [3]: http://www.linternaute.com/humour/cartoon/photo/le-coup-du-lapin/en-savoir-plus.shtml [4]: http://www.linternaute.com/humour/cartoon/photo/le-coup-du-lapin/la-methode-ingenieuse.shtml