My native language is Romanian, one with a lot of French neologisms that resulted in many (more or less) false friends. Thus, I was very surprised in France to hear people saying about a girl with light skin and brown hair that she was *"une jolie brune"*. — The French *brunet* has given an identical term in Romanian and *brunette* has given the word *brunetă*, both much more actively used than in French, and meaning people with somewhat dark skin **and** hair, and usually dark-colored eyes, something like the "Mediterranean" type, let's say George Clooney and Claudia Cardinale

[![enter image description here][1]][1] 

but *not* meaning simply people with brown, dark-brawn or black hair: not just "not blonde", which to me seems to be the real meaning of expressions like *"jolie brune"* ou *"plutôt brune"*. 

[CNTRL][2] says about *brun, brune*:

    Celui, celle dont les cheveux sont bruns

[and about][3] *brun, brunette*: 

    A.− Emploi adj.
    1. Rare. Légèrement brun(e), tirant sur le brun. ...
    2. P. méton. [En parlant de pers.] Dont les cheveux tirent sur le brun...
    B.− Emploi subst.
    1. Jeune femme, jeune fille dont les cheveux sont bruns, tirent sur le brun. 

And is there a term for people with fair skin and black hair?
