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BENARD Patrick's user avatar
BENARD Patrick's user avatar
BENARD Patrick
  • Member for 11 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
7 votes

Graphie du mot otage

4 votes

Pronunciation of "vingt"

3 votes

Why is “la maison” singular in “ils habitent dans la maison”?

3 votes

La sévérité de l'usage incorrect de l'imparfait vs le passé composé

3 votes

An adverb between a verb and an infinitive that follows?

2 votes

What is the difference in the two forms of “being able”?

2 votes

« L'une des X pour laquelle » ou « l'une des X pour lesquelles » ?

1 vote

Inversion avec le même sujet mais divers verbes ?

1 vote

How informal are "t'as" and "t'aimes" and similar contractions of tu?

1 vote

D'où vient la structure de « tel quel » ?

1 vote

Prononciation du mot "persil"

0 votes

Does the TV show "Maison Close" use standard French or period French?

0 votes

Which pronoun to use when converting to reported speech

-1 votes

Comment traduire « to have been doing something » ?