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Wok's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
29 votes

If "Je t'aime" means "I love you", how do you say "I like you" in French while still addressing the other person as "tu"?

26 votes

What is an equivalent idiom in French for the English expression “not over until the fat lady sings”?

21 votes

« Malgré que » est-il correct ?

17 votes

Semi-formal valedictions in emails

13 votes

Pourquoi place-t-on une espace avant les ponctuations fortes ? — Why is there a space before certain punctuation marks?

9 votes

Accentuation des majuscules — Accents on upper-case letters

8 votes

« Avant que » et « après que » : indicatif ou subjonctif?

6 votes

What movies or TV series can I use to improve my French?

5 votes

How can one say “good morning” in French?

1 vote

What movies or TV series can I use to improve my French?

0 votes

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