By entering the bus, you can ask:
Excusez-moi vous allez bien a ...? / sorry are you going to ...? Ce bus s'arretes’arrête a ...? / This bus stop at ...?
Before your stop, in addition of pressing the stop button etc ... you can say:
Monsieur je descends au prochain arretarrêt. / Mr. I get off at the next stop.
(notice that by using the present tense you emphasis the fact that it's 'not a question' but an actual fact (which can sometimes be taken as an order). If you want to be softer, you can say:
Pouvez-vous me laisser descendre au prochain arretarrêt? / Can you let me get off at the next stop?
You can be even more subtle and ask:
Est-ce que l'arretl’arrêt ... est encore loin? / Is the stop ... still far?
which should result in having the driver telling you that it's the coming one (and also you made clear the fact that you want to get off at that one) -> A nice (even a bit longer) way to ask him to drop you there.