A native English speaker who I follow on twitter, who's speaking (in English) at a programming conference in Paris tweeted
What's the best way to learn a tiny bit of French in a week? A week in which I already have no spare time?
I don't know what he's looking for, but this is what I'd want to know if I was in his situation.
What should I try learning if I have a limited amount of time? Vocabulary? Grammar? Phrases? Knowing how to pronounce a word that I've read? What kind of things would take not much time to learn, but would bring the most benefit?
What kind of tools are useful in reaching these objectives? To avoid this question becoming too large, I'm more after categories, rather than specific products. For example "Phrasebooks are useful for someone with not much time because ...", rather than "Brand X phrasebook is good because ...".
I had a look at Are there good tools for learning to speak French? and Free online resources for beginner course , but while there's a variety of answers, none seem to be targeted at such a scenario.