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Questions tagged [apprentissage]

Méthodes et procédés dʼapprentissage de la langue française. / About learning French: means and methods to use.

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Apprendre le français : où aller maintenant? [duplicate]

Bonjour. Je m'appele Silvio. je suis arrivé récemment à France (j'habite ici et je vivra ici pendant au moins 3 ans). Switching to English, sorry. My french is very very basic and I came to live here ...
Dimitri's user avatar
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What are some good French educational shows for toddlers?

A more colloquial way of phrasing the question is, Is there a French Ms Rachel? J'ai étudié le français au lycée et à l'université. Je l'ai appris en anglais, qui est ma seconde langue; l'espagnol est ...
aSerVaas's user avatar
8 votes
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How are children taught joining letters in Ecriture scolaire B?

The question is not really about the French language, but about contemporary teaching in French schools. I hope there is an elementary school teacher that can answer this. I am currently studying ...
ccprog's user avatar
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How should I go about relearning French that I lost when I was very young?

I am 16 years old and could speak both French and English when I was very young and was often seeing my family but when I began school in Australia, I stopped speaking French and now I can only ...
Paul's user avatar
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How do you say 'Is it no longer for free?' or 'it's not free?' [to watch]

Meaning I have to pay for it now as opposed to before where I can get it without payment.
Miko's user avatar
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How to learn from mistakes?

I write many short articles in french on routine topics such as school, house, hobbies etc. I am a beginner. I post them on langcorrect and writestreak(on reddit) and get a lot of useful, constructive ...
Ved Rathi's user avatar
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Learning to read French for fluent speakers

What are some good resources to learn how to read French for those who already have a solid command on speaking it? This is somewhat the converse of my question: "Drilling tools for active ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Quelle est la meilleure façon d’apprendre à utiliser le subjonctif ?

Ça fait presque un an et demi que j’entends, pratique, et utilise le subjonctif et je ne maîtrise toujours pas les expressions de base. Je n’ai pas trop de problèmes quand je conjugue mais pour les ...
User's user avatar
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What are ways that I could have found out that "C'est correct d'être différent" means "It's okay to be different"?

Near the end of this show (here, but it requires logging in to the website), a boy who was born without arms tells us: C'est correct d'être différent. I suspected that this did not mean "It's ...
silph's user avatar
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Drilling tools for active mastery?

I am nearly a fluent reader and translator of French and can somewhat understand it spoken (I have a reasonably good passive understanding of French.), but are there drilling tools to improve my ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What language to think in when learning french?

Context: I'm a native English speaker learning French. I learnt some French at high-school, and was reasonably good at it, but let it slip and I'm now trying to get it back to that level, and my ...
FizzKicks's user avatar
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Unable to find exact meaning of Title of the paper which is in French

I am a masters student in Mathematics in an Asian Country. I am self studying a research paper which is originally in French. I am fluent in English and Hindi. I used Google Translator for ...
user795826's user avatar
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Pourquoi les Français parlent-ils plus vite que les autres francophones (et qu’avant)? [closed]

Je n’ai jamais parlé couramment le français (ma langue maternelle est le néerlandais), mais pour moi il est plus facile de comprendre le français quand des francophones non français le parlent... J’ai ...
pokemonfan's user avatar
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Order of acquisition: In which sequence do French children learn the language?

I'm not proficient enough in French yet to give the exact equivalents. I was just wondering if there's a corresponding French morpheme sequence that I could use to learn the language. In other words; ...
Jock McJock's user avatar
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Is Spanish a subset of French? [closed]

I heard someone say "if (as a speaker of English) you learn French, you get Spanish for free". Is this true? Is Spanish mostly a subset of French?
MWB's user avatar
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Prononciation du s final en "ils/elles" même sans liaison

Dans une école primaire (classe CE1), on m'a dit que lorsque les écoliers pratiquent la conjugaison, l'institutrice a dit de prononcer le s final de "ils/elles". Par exemple : ilS parlent/ elleS ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Do French kids have difficulty learning their spellings?

What I'd like to know is that whether French kids aged about 4 or 7 have difficulty reading or writing French than other kids with the different languages. They can speak fluent French of course, but ...
Victoria's user avatar
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French movies/videos with French subtitles

I would appreciate it if you would introduce me to some sources of free downloadable videos/films in the French language accompanied by French subtitles (either treating of mathematics or of any ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Is the following sentence grammatically and meaningfully correct ?

I'm learning French from Alice Ayel's video series, and as an exercise to the last lecture that I watch, I want to say that Me too when I went to İzmir, which is a city in Turkey. I wrote Moi ...
Our's user avatar
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Should I use l'Alliance Française if I want to get a certification in French?

I am new in French. In my university I have French classes; they are cool and great but I would like to get some certification in this language and I found in Google l'Alliance Française. It is an ...
simon's user avatar
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How should I refer to my Master's degree in professional contexts?

I have checked other responses but in Scotland the degree system is slightly different from other systems in the UK and abroad. I studied a Master's degree in French at the University of Glasgow. ...
Joshua Lee's user avatar
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Pronunciation exercises to learn nasalization

My eleven year old son is learning French in school. Picking up words, phrases, and grammar is easy for him, but he cannot pronounce nasal vowels. He just doesn't know how to create those sounds. ...
Nimíipuu's user avatar
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Origin of the "Dr. and Mrs. Vandertramp" mnemonic

In my French class, we were taught the "Dr. and Mrs. Vandertramp" mnemonic to learn the main verbs that use être as an auxiliary verb in the passé composé in most cases. Looking at the results from a ...
Graham's user avatar
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Is this french? what has been said? [closed]

I was in snapchat and someone was saying something in french (but not sure lol), could someone guess what she said? I uploaded the audio here, it is just few seconds and it starts at 00:07 sec. First ...
Ja_cpp's user avatar
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Book of "introduction to logic" with French phrases as example

There is a book over logic in portuguese called "Introduçao à Logica" by the brazillian author Cezar A. Mortari. In this book there are a lot of examples of phases in informal language, and lots of ...
Filburt's user avatar
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French audio + English subtitles or vice versa?

I'm a French learning student in high-school and I would like to improve my French vocab and speaking skills. A friend suggested watching low level TV shows (like the Magic School Bus for example) ...
Meghan's user avatar
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Techniques to improve pronunciation when I can manage to say parts of the word but not the full word (e.g. 2 nearby R sounds)

Is there any tip on how to pronounce words that have two r's? I'm using Forvo as my main "how-to-pronounce-something". But even when I hear these words 200x being pronounced, I can't! Let me give ...
Caio Gomes's user avatar
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Monolingual learner's dictionary with small defining vocabulary

Most modern English learner's dictionary use defining vocabulary. It is good idea to define lemmas in a learner's dictionary with just limited number of words and even doing this with multi-layer ...
Houman's user avatar
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How can I regain some French fluency in a short time?

I am a native speaker of English. Twenty-five years ago my French was pretty good, but I haven't really used it much since, and I'm rusty. I will be in France in three weeks' time and want to regain ...
crmdgn's user avatar
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How to help a friend learn French?

My girlfriend is Russian and I'm a French speaker. We live in France, and we only speak English. Now she really needs to learn French more or less "fast" in order to get a job. Can you please give me ...
Sushi's user avatar
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French analogs to

Actually, my question is in the title. with very its cool educational videos is really nice for studying English. Just some themes connected with English, interesting talks which are fun to ...
user avatar
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Quelques revues françaises comme The Economist ?

Je suis de niveau B1 maintenant. Pour ceux qui ne parlent pas Anglais comme langue maternelle, The Economist est un magazine que lisent beaucoup ceux qui préparent le TOEFL ou IELTS. Y a-t-il un ...
pqros's user avatar
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Is there some French equivalent of Tae Kim's Japanese grammar guide?

Currently I'm learning Japanese along with French, and if anyone learns Japanese, they almost always use this grammar guide by Tae Kim, which goes over most aspects of the language in great detail. ...
Tirous's user avatar
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What French children songs do most native French speakers know? [closed]

I do not know any French, but I'm trying to learn French together with my kids. I've found that my kids like to listen to and sing French children songs. Therefore, I decided that this is a good ...
I Like to Code's user avatar
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Base de donnée / corpus pour analyse de sentiments

J'espère ne pas être trop hors sujet pour ce stack exchange. Je cherche à faire de l'analyse de sentiments de tweets, et pour ça, je cherche une base de donnée de mots en français, avec : soit un ...
François M.'s user avatar
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Online French newspapers, magazines, etc, with English translation

I'm learning French. I'm mostly interested in sciences (social sciences in particular) and humanities. Someone suggested I read newspapers. Though not a big fan of politics, with Trump coming to ...
Jlente's user avatar
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What is the term for language lessons in which the native and the foreign language are spoken simultaneously? [closed]

I recall a style of language learning where you listen to CDs in which your language and the foreign language are spoken simeltaneously. For example "Hello" is said in one earbud while "Bonjour" is ...
Peter_Piper's user avatar
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Modern French prose/fiction authors to read/listen for French language learner [closed]

I am looking for list/or just some recommendations on modern French fiction books/writers for French language learners. Modern because I want to see plain and modern language close to real spoken ...
Mike's user avatar
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Program for learning french [closed]

I am looking for an online site/program where I could refresh my french especially the french related to the hotel reception... Do you maybe know such a site/program?
Mary Star's user avatar
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Beyond memorisation and time, how can you master grammatical gender in French?

How can adult L2 learners learn, master, and remember grammatical gender more efficiently? Memorisation and time do not improve advanced L2 learners. Are there shortcuts or patterns or rules for ...
user avatar
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French books/other sources with semi-hard grammar and vocabulary?

I'm looking for some French readings (books, websites, anything goes) that are comprehensible enough so I wouldn't have to check every single word/grammatical construction. I'm fluent in English, and ...
shooqie's user avatar
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Short French podcast used to transcribe?

I need a good resource to train my listening comprehension of French language. I decide to find some podcasts of 2-3 minutes which is appropriate for transcribing. Now I am a beginner and ...
Yai0Phah's user avatar
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D'où vient « Mais où est donc Ornicar ? » ?

Ornicar est un astéroïde nommé ainsi par l'astronome Français M. Alain Maury en mémoire de la célèbre formule mnémotechnique « Mais où est donc Ornicar ? »1 servant à apprendre les conjonctions de ...
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Content outside of Rosetta Stone. At what level or unit would the average user be able to comprehend French conversation or French Middle School Novel

I am interested in ordering a few French books, such as an atlas with a lot of pictures and a basic biography. I am in the 3rd unit of the first level of Rosetta Stone, so not to far along. For ...
Zeke Legge's user avatar
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Good and simple book series for beginners like Oxford Bookworms series

As an English learner, I found Oxford "Bookworms series" and "Dominoes" very useful to enhance my reading skill and my English vocabulary. For example, about Bookworms series, each book in the series ...
arman_aegit's user avatar
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Start learning French through English [closed]

I desire to learn French, but I am very new to it, i.e. I don't know even a single word in French. I googled this, but I could not access a proper site to learn French online. How can I learn ...
Mirunalini_UML's user avatar
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Three different ways to say "I don't speak french"?

Problem One of the challenges of learning a new language is the "shame" factor. One can feel trepidation for putting oneself out there in a way that could potentially subject oneself to ridicule. Of ...
dreftymac's user avatar
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Science or technology related resources to learn French [closed]

So, I want to learn French quicker, and I figured that I don't really listen much... I mean, English is easy to learn, you just read it and listen to it all the time through the Internet, TV shows, ...
Antoni4040's user avatar
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Similarity of French and English languages ! [closed]

If someone has dominance over English language usually in how much period of time can gain enough skill in French language ? Since I believe many words of English and French are similar and just ...
Fereydoon Shekofte's user avatar
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Grammar resources for DELF A1 test

Are there resources for the required "Grammar" for DELF A1 test?
Simplicity's user avatar
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