I noticed that very often "vingt" is pronounced without the last "t", whereas when someone wants to be precise or make a point, they will pronounce that "t".
Is that correct?
I noticed that very often "vingt" is pronounced without the last "t", whereas when someone wants to be precise or make a point, they will pronounce that "t".
Is that correct?
La prononciation de vingt tout seul varie suivant les régions. On prononce le t
(donc [vɛ̃t]) systématiquement en Lorraine et dans d'autres régions du nord et de l'est de la France (mais pas en Alsace) et en Belgique (et en Suisse, je crois). On ne prononce pas le t
(donc [vɛ̃]) ailleurs.
Il y a une exception : dans les nombres composés (vingt-deux, vingt-trois, …), on prononce le t
(partout à ma connaissance) : [vɛ̃t.dø], [vɛ̃t.tʁwɑ], …
Au contraire, on ne prononce jamais le t
dans quatre-vingts ni dans ses composés (quatre-vingt-un, etc.), même dans les régions où on prononce le t
dans vingt tout court) : quatre-vingt [kat.ʁə.vɛ̃], quatre-vingt-un [kat.ʁə.vɛ̃.œ̃] ou [kat.ʁvɛ̃.œ̃].
Comme d'habitude, la lettre muette t
se prononce lorsqu'on fait une liaison : « vingt-et-un » [vɛ̃.te.œ̃], « vingt ans » [vɛ̃.tɑ̃].
Je n'ai jamais entendu parler d'une distinction d'usage par un même locuteur qui ne soit pas liée au contexte (nombre composé ou liaison). Pour dire « à peu près vingt », on dit « une vingtaine ».
The pronunciation of « t » depends on local areas and not on intonation or sense.
In several regions of France, the « t » is pronounced and in others regions, it isn't.
For example, Parisians aren't used to pronouncing the « t ».
For several cases, the « t » is pronounced to do the joint between two words like in this example:
vingt-six (twenty six)
Like in many other french rules about silent letters, it depends on the first letter of the trailing word. If it's a vowel, you'll pronounce the 't' but not if its a consonant.
for example:
J'ai vingt (a)ns : 't' is pronounced
Vingt (e)t un : 't' is pronounced
Vingt (j)ours : 't' is not pronounced
I know we also pronounce 's' between 'vingt' when the next word begins with 'oi' (pronounced as 'o-a'):
vingt oiseaux (pronounced as 'vingt-zoiseaux)
And there might be some more exceptions that i'm not thinking about right now.
If you're not certain about a certain combination of words, go check out on Google translate and try the 'Listen' function.
It does not depend on accents or areas, it is a pronunciation rule.
When I grew up in the north of France, and at school and in my family, we used to say the last 't'. But when I went to live in the South East, the local people ribbed me because I pronounced this 't'…
Whatever you say, people will understand. Just don't forget to pronounce this 't' when there is a liaison with the next word (everyone agree on this).
Where I live now :
J'ai vingt ans : 't' is pronounced.
Aujourd'hui, on est le vingt : I, and the people around me, don't pronounce it.