The question is on words like these, with their pronunciation in IPA within brackets:
lumière [lymjɛʀ], premier [pʀəmje], boire [bwaʀ], jouet [ʒwɛ]
Are the sounds [j] and [w] considered vowels or consonants?
Also, which syllabication would be correct?
(a) lu•mi•ère, pre•mi•er, bo•ire, jou•et
(b) lu•mière, pre•mier, boire, jouet
If you need context for the question of syllables: In a poem requiring twelve syllables per line how many will e.g. lumière take up?
This is what I found in Littré:
lumière [lu-miè-r'], premier [pre-mié], boire [boi-r'], jouet [jou-è]
But I am not sure if the dash represents syllabification.