Il y a beaucoup de mots français qui commencent avec le préfixe « re », mais quelques ont un accent aigu sur le « e », par exemple :
Sans accent aigu: repasser, retenir, ressembler, retourner, …
Avec accent aigu: répéter, réitérer, réserver, réparer, …
Est-ce qu’il y a un modèle pour ça ?
There are plenty of French words that begin with the prefix “re”, but some of them have an accute accent on the “e” – is there a pattern behind this?
By the way. Feel free to correct or improve my French (or English for what it’s worth)! (And I also appreciate comments explaining my mistakes.)
if the word after the prefix starts itself withé
(unless there are some exceptions I missed).réformer
is becausereformer
is a complete different word and it's simply to mark the difference and it's the only cases where exceptions arise to my knowledge.