Japanese has 2 types of verbs, in terms of how the stems are formed ("u-verbs" and "ru-verbs"). When I was studying Japanese, my learning materials used 2 regular verbs for most of the examples: "hanasu" and "taberu". I think this was done deliberately and not lazily. To this day, if I ever doubt myself on a conjugation, I mentally think about how I would conjugate one of these two words, and just substitute the different verb stem. So they are like my personal template verbs. Japanese verbs are nearly perfectly regular, though. Any others would do nearly as well, but these are slightly nice for being two syllable stems, being very common words, and sounding different from each other. Bad examples for this would be "iru" (u-verb) and "iru" (ru-verb)!
So I just started French and it seems we have 3 types of verbs, plus a bunch of irregular verbs. I will just have to learn the irregular verbs. But for the regular verbs, what would be 3 nice, common, regular verbs from group 1, 2, and 3? Are there pedagogically canonical ones?